When Alexander Duff was home on furlough from India in 1834, he often visited missionary statesman William Carey. On his last visit before Carey died, Duff spent much of his time talking about Carey’s work. Finally, Carey seemed to tire of it and whispered, “Pray.” After Duff prayed, he arose to leave the room, but Carey called him to return to his side. “Mr. Duff,” he said graciously, “you have been speaking about Dr. Carey, Dr. Carey. When I am gone, say nothing about Dr. Carey. Speak about Dr. Carey’s Savior.”

May we too call attention to Jesus, the One whom God has highly exalted. His is the name to remember.

--Our Daily Bread

John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease. 

Here John the Baptist effaces himself.

John refers to himself as one not even worthy to untie the sandals of Christ. (Jn. 1:27)

Oh that I, the pottery of the Master's hand, might never believe that I am worthy of the least of His mercies (Gen 32:10) May it never be that I might covet even the most minute [mahy-noot] degree of God's glory! He and He alone is worthy of glorification.

I covet the grace upon John the Baptist, to want only to be a friend of God! (Jn. 3:29)

Oh if He calls me friend, my heart can contain no more joy than this!
What more could I want in life?

Every blessing!


Tom Anglin