A poor man plodded along toward home in an Irish town carrying a huge bag of potatoes. A horse and wagon carrying a stranger came along, and the stranger stopped the wagon and invited the man on foot to climb inside. This the poor man did, but when he sat down in the wagon he held the bag of potatoes in his arms. And when it was suggested that he should set it down, he said very warmly: "Sire, I don't like to trouble you too much. You're giving me a ride. I'll carry the potatoes!"

Sometimes we think we are doing the Lord a favor when we carry the burden. But the work is His, and the burden is His, and He asks us only to be faithful. --Isaac Page

1Pet. 5:7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

It is incredible to me that the Lord commands us to unload all of our burdens and cares of every kind on Him. Sometimes, I get overwhelmed as a pastor, with the burdens of people that are in my life. It is really hard for me to wrap my brain around our God's love and concern for us. Imagine putting up billboards all over your area with your cell number on it. The sign say's  "Call me if you have some problems of any kind that you would like to give me. Whether it is your mortgage, phone bill, insurance, shaky marriage, unfair treatment at work, health problems, etc." Can you even imagine the response that you would get within even a week's time? You would have to change your phone number and probably move to another state.

We have a God in Heaven that doesn’t hit the ignore button when our number comes up on Heaven's caller ID. He loves you so much that He say's, ""It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24

Sadly, many of us are prone to just call on the Lord when we are in a jam. That kind of individual has not learned the joy of a close walk with Him. It is a wonderful comfort to know that the one who gave His life for us, is always longing to give His life to us and urges us to give Him all of our cares. 

If you have cast all of your care upon Jesus, you can say, " I don't care!" 

Can you say, "I don't care?"

Every blessing!


Tom Anglin