Rom 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

A young boy went to the local store with his mother. The shop owner, a kindly man, passed him a large jar of suckers and invited him to help himself to a handful. Uncharacteristically, the boy held back. So the shop owner pulled out a handful for him. When outside, the boy’s mother asked why he had suddenly been so shy and wouldn’t take a handful of suckers when offered. The boy replied, “Because his hand is much bigger than mine!” ~ UNKNOWN

Are you someone who sees God as some selfish old miser? You know, He owns all the fortunes of the Universe but enjoys hoarding it all to Himself! If you see Him at all in this way, you have got Him ALL wrong! No! You must see Him as the God who lives and longs to give and to bless! Remember, He loves us SO much that He gave His one and only Son to purchase eternal salvation for all who would put their trust in Him! Not only is He NOT a miser, He is the most lavish giver in the history of the World! He GAVE his Son! He bankrupted all of His wealth in giving Jesus as the only ransom for the souls of all mankind! Ask yourself this question, “If He freely gave His Son to save me, what good thing would He keep from me, the one who trusts in Him alone, to save me?” His benevolent hand is far bigger than ours! Now, just lift your hands to Him and receive what you need from Him! Oh, how He wants to bless you today! HALLELUJAH!

Every blessing!


Tom Anglin