YOU are HIS Masterpiece

The number one way to block your creativity. Dabble your paintbrush in another’s palette. Stop comparing your gift to another person’s gift. ~ Katherine Walden

Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

We, in all of our humanness, are God’s highest form of craftsmanship! We are His canvass! He longs to reveal Himself through His handiwork in us! The Father did not haphazardly oopsie us into this world! As a matter of fact, He formed you in your mother’s womb with a one-of-a-kind purpose, on purpose! That’s right, you are very unique! Oh friend, don’t you want to know what your God-given, break-the-mold reason for you is? If you say yes, I will give you a guaranteed formula to discover what it is. Ready? Here it is! Pray this: “Father, reveal to me your assignment with the accompanied gifting to carry it out, in Jesus’ name!” Now, pray it with passion and repeat, and repeat and continue until the revelation becomes crystal clear!

Pro 18:16 A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.

The word, “room” in the preceding verse means a spacious pasture! Your calling and gifting bring you into an abundant and well-supplied space for grazing! Everything that you need to spread the Gospel is all there. You are God’s best work for the mission He assigned you to! You are His masterpiece! Ask Him to give you divine appointments. He will have you in the right place at the right time, to impact the right person! Ask Him and trust Him to set it up! He surely will! HALLELUJAH!

Every blessing!


Tom Anglin