“True enthusiasm comes from being filled with the Spirit, and as we strive to do that to which we know God has called us, in conscious dependence upon Him, we will then be able to convey our excitement to others and carry them with us.”
Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. NLT
David speaks of his overflowing joy in the very face of his enemies. The picture being drawn in this Psalm is of the shepherd going ahead of his sheep, spying out the field for snake holes. He would pour oil around those holes and the sheep could graze in total peace because those snakes would not come out of their holes. If they did, they would have lost their ability to slither with oil on their bellies and they would become food for birds of prey!
The Shepherd would rub oil on the wounded heads of his sheep. They would wound their heads because they were so engrossed in grazing and filling their bellies, that they would often bang their heads on rocks in the fields. So the shepherd had thought of everything as he led forth his sheep! The sheep did not have a care in the world because they knew their shepherd would take care of everything!
Friend, our Great Shepherd has gone before us! You can be sure that He has thought of everything in our present and future. If we really believe this, it won’t matter how many devils are watching in the audience, Jesus has put them in their place! He has taken care of everything! When we believe this we will always see this! We can rejoice, right in the devil’s face for our God has put him is his place to keep him out of our space! Graze on, your Shepherd is on the job!
Every blessing!