

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all thIf our sins outnumbered the number of the hairs on our head; yet the merits of the death of Jesus Christ are infinitely greater, and faith in His blood shall make them white as snow.e difference.
— George Whitefield

Heb. 10:19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus,

It was around four years after I turned back to Christ, that I actually felt the forgiveness of my sins. I was tormented by thoughts of my past. Years before that I had developed the belief that I had gone too far and there was no possibility of forgiveness. I carried so much guilt and shame into my walk with God that I became works driven. I felt that I must somehow pay the Lord back for how bad I had been...

I used to sit up late at night and read the Bible and everything I could read about forgiveness. I was so tortured by my past, that I could not see what the Lord had done for me. All I could see was what a miserable transgressor I had been. I was blind to the grace of God because my focus was on me instead of what Jesus had done on the Cross on my behalf.

I picked up a little book called, "The Practice Of The Presence Of God" by Brother Lawrence. As I sat there reading it at 4:00 AM, I read where he said that it was four years before he was able to receive the mercy and grace that was greater than all of his sin. (My paraphrase) Somehow, a flood of God's mercy rushed into my anguished soul! I had the revelation that I had been trying to pay a debt with my works and devotion that I could never repay! Now I saw it! I had not put the same value on the blood of Jesus that God places on the blood of His Son! What horrible sin that was! I was trying to serve God with wretched unbelief!

The blood of Jesus is enough! No matter how gross your sinfulness, no matter how wicked and sinful you have been or may be , the blood of Jesus is enough to wash away every sin and stain!

It was not until I agreed with God, that the blood of Christ was greater than all my sin, that I had peace and joy! He was not holding my past sin against me. No, it was the sin of unbelief that held me captive to misery and suffering!

The blood of Jesus Christ is the most powerful substance in the universe! When God sees the blood of His Son upon anyone because of their faith in Christ' blood, He sees them as righteous before Him! (Rom. 4:5)

Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.

God forgives sin... let Him! Put your faith in what Jesus did on your behalf on the Cross! Overwhelming joy and peace will be the indicator that you have trusted Jesus entirely as your righteousness.

His blood is enough for yesterday, today and forever!

Do you agree with God the Father on the value of the blood of His Son?

Every blessing!


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