“The things we take for granted are dreams to many people.”
Psa 68:19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [Who] daily loads us [with benefits], The God of our salvation! Selah
I have witnessed with my own eyes, a village so poor, that it’s people were living in trees, half naked dressed in rags. A place where parents would maim or burn their children and send them out to beg. Instead of using the money for food, they would buy alcohol to drown their troubles for a few hours at a time. When I landed in Detroit and began the drive toward my home, I felt like a king in route to his palace! I have been to other villages where small children would carry heavy water jugs for several miles to get water that would not kill them. I have seen many, many heartbreaking things over the years.
Truly we have been blessed in the Western world, but are we thankful? Pride tells us we deserve all these lavish blessings. Pride, like the Devil, is a hideous liar! So many are duped into thinking that they must be alright with God because all of things they possess, not considering that they are possessed by all of the things!
Since the Lord wants to be approached by a thankful people, I suggest we make a list of our many, many blessings and enter His gates today, giving Him blessing, thanks and the glory due His great name! (Psa 100:4)
What say you?
Every blessing!
— Tom