Robert Redford was walking one day through a hotel lobby. A woman saw him and followed him to the elevator. “Are you the real Robert Redford?” she asked him with great excitement.

As the doors of the elevator closed, he replied, “Only when I am alone!”

Matt. 23:28 "Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

If you were to approach the man in the image above, the closer you get to him, the more you will see yourself! The chief characteristic of a chameleon is its ability to display the color of what it comes in close contact with! There are human chameleons that can give the appearance of that which is most like the way you see things. In other words, they can display the appearance of what you think they should be like! Alas, they are not showing you their true colors because they are hypocrites, just actors on a stage. When you are close by, they give you the performance you expect. It is a hideous thing, I know, but how easy it is to be a chameleon. It is far easier playing along than being real or genuine in this disingenuous world we live in.

There is good news! We can be as close to Jesus as we want to be! The more we are around Him, the more we become like Him. The more we become like Him, the more we reflect Him. The more we reflect Him, the better those that approach us, can see Him. The more that they see Him, the more they are drawn to Him! Let’s look in the mirror and ask ourselves this in your face question, “Can those that look closely at me, see that I have been staying in close contact with Jesus?” (Acts 4:13)

Every blessing!


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