1John 5:12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.


Fame you have attained

Much wealth you have gained

You've traveled this world far and wide

You have everything

You dance and you sing

Yet so empty you still feel inside

If joy you would find

And real peace of mind

As you travel through this world below

Let Christ above

Fill you with His love

And then guide you wherever

you go...

-- Evelyn Anglin

My precious Mother penned these words many years ago. I always believed she had written it about me and a few of my friends. In our late teens, we had stars in our our eyes. We dreamed of a day when we would become rock stars. Mom and my Sister, would pray that we would never get out of that basement where we spent countless hours practicing! I would have been very angry in those days, had I known they were opposing our success with prayer. Soon after that I would become thankful that God heard their prayers and limited our success to just a few gigs! How vain we were!

The more goals that I reached, the emptier I became! Nothing, and I mean nothing, could satisfy my soul! By the great mercy and grace of God, I found out what the problem was: I had abandoned Jesus, my Lord! I had reduced Him to a few 911 calls when I was in big trouble! He was always kind and would come to my aid when I called, yet I was losing the life I was trying to find as I searched for it in all the wrong places! How I bless the day, when He called to come back to Him and I came all the way back home!

The bottom line for all mankind is this: Know Jesus, know life. No Jesus, no life! I urge you, if you are trying to find life outside of Jesus Christ, stop wasting the precious time you are allotted and come running to Him as fast as you can! He is waiting for you with open arms!

Every blessing!


Tom Anglin