If you are Christians, be consistent. Be Christians out and out; Christians every hour, in every part. Beware of halfhearted discipleship, of compromise with evil, of conformity to the world, of trying to serve two masters – to walk in two ways, the narrow and the broad, at once. It will not do. Halfhearted Christianity will only dishonor God, while it makes you miserable.
— Horatius Bonar

1Sam 2:2 "No one is holy like the LORD, For [there is] none besides You, Nor [is there] any rock like our God.

If anyone knows anything about the Lord, it is that He is steadfast, unchangeable and unmovable! Far more so than the Rock of Gibraltar pictured above! God calls us to be steadfast and unmovable, like Him! There are many opportunities in our Christian journey to be shaken and thrown off. We face countless hardships. As we mature, we realize that our God is always there with us and for us! He always causes us to triumph!

I want to briefly address three areas that we need to be steadfast in at all times!

#1) To bless Him at all times. Psa 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise [shall] continually [be] in my mouth. The word bless means to praise and adore. Challenging, I know but this I also know, God is worthy of our highest and best and constant praise, at all times! As we grow in Him, we discover that He is still just as great and just as worthy of our praise and worship, through all things and at all times!

#2) To trust Him at all times. Psa 62:8 Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God [is] a refuge for us. Selah The psalmist is telling us here that there is never a time or a situation where God cannot be trusted. He can never fail to come through for the one who trusts Him! Don’t lose heart and don’t lose hope! Rest assured that He will work it all out for your good and you will not be ashamed!

#3) Be a faithful friend to Him at all times. Prov 17:17 A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity. Jesus calls us not only to be His followers, but also His friends! Certainly, He loves us at all times! What a comfort! God help us all to be the kind of friend to Him that He is to us! Jesus said, “I have called you friends if you do whatever I command you! (John 15:14)

May the Holy Spirit strengthen and empower us to be constant in praise, worship and adoration. To trust in the Lord without wavering always and at all times and to strive to truly be a friend of Jesus in our everyday lives for His glory! For He alone is worthy!

Every blessing!


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