Our mind must cease to be a playground for the enemy and become a battleground of the spirit, where we learn to come under the influence of God in our thinking.

Pro 23:7(A) For as he thinks in his heart, so [is] he.

When I returned to Jesus after 7 years of running wild, my own way, you can’t imagine the war that began to take place in my mind. I had lived unrestrained and did just what I wanted to. My mind was so defiled. Though I repented deeply from my heart and dramatically changed my way of living, my mind was playing back constantly, sinful scenes from my past. I was tormented with condemnation so much that it would nearly incapacitate me. I felt guilty and worthless. Because I had not begun to renew my mind with the Word of God, the demon assigned against me was beating my brains out! I believed what the enemy was saying about me instead of what my Redeemer said about me. I felt too condemned to pray. So without the Word and prayer I quickly fell into a deep depression. However my enemy did not consider that his condemnation would drive me to desperate prayer and deep study of the Word.

My prayer became, “Jesus, let me think Your thoughts, say Your words and go Your way!” My life has been dramatically transformed. I am not who the Devil says I am! I am who Jesus says I am. Friend, you too are who the Lord says your are! He says you are complete in Him. (Col. 2:10) You are a new creation in Him (2Cor. 5:17) You are accepted in the Beloved (Ep. 1:6) You are loved and chosen by God (1Th. 1:4) You are a citizen of Heaven (Php 3:20) You are an heir of the Father, through Jesus the Son (Rom. 8:17) This is a very short list of who you are. This is the truth. Contradictions are lies of the enemy!

John 8:31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jesus has just told us how we win the battle for our mind! Now, what do you think?

Every blessing!


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