On November 30, 1991 fierce winds from a freakish dust storm triggered a massive freeway pileup along Interstate 5 near Coalinga, California. At least 14 people died and dozens more were injured as topsoil whipped by 50 mile-per-hour winds reduced visibility to zero. The afternoon holocaust left a three-mile trail of twisted and burning vehicles, some stacked on top of one another 100 yards off the side of the freeway. Unable to see their way, dozens of motorists drove blindly ahead into disaster.   
~Today in the Word, August 16, 1992.

2CoR 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Jude 1:20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,

The world we are living in right now is engulfed in a darkness that can be felt. (Ex. 10:21) Sometimes, it is hard to see past the dust storm of hopelessness swirling all around us, and even closing in on us! However, God has a gift for all of his sons and daughters. It’s Holy Spirit navigation, and we can get on that channel if we have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit! According to several places in the New Testament, the supernatural language of the unknown tongue, is the evidence that a person has received this blessed baptism of the Holy Spirit! It is a language that God alone understands. Jude 1:20 says exercising that gift builds up your most holy faith. Paul says, “We walk by faith and not by sight.” Faith will navigate us even through the darkest hours! Let me give you just a few personal examples.

Many years ago, I served as the Director of Evangelism of then, the second largest Teen Challenge in the nation. We had invited a single staff pastor to our home for Sunday lunch. We had put our little daughter Destiny, down for a nap. Pastor Sam and I were in deep conversation. Right in mid-sentence, I jumped up and ran as fast as I could for the staircase. That split second my daughter, rubbing her eyes, stepped off into the air and I caught her in my arms! I shouted, “Thank you Jesus!” I rounded the corner with my unharmed daughter. Sam said, “I did not hear her. Did you?” I said, “No, I didn’t hear a sound!” He asked me how I knew that she was out of her crib. I told him that I didn’t even know why I jumped up and ran, I just did! I knew it was directly related to praying in the Spirit! Years later, when that little girl was now a college girl, God intervened in her life again! At bedtime on a Sunday, I lay my head on my pillow and I had an open vision of a horrible car crash! I sat up in the bed thinking that God would not have shown me that if He did not want me to pray. So pray I did, in the language of the Holy Spirit! It was probably a half an hour that I prayed and I felt the peace of God. So I laid back down. As soon as my head hit the pillow the phone rang. It was my daughter’s friend. She blurted out, “Pastor Tom, Destiny is alright but she could have been killed!” She had gone to sleep at the wheel! I had no idea that I was praying for my own daughter, but I am forever grateful that I did! Thank God for this gift of powerful Holy Spirit prayer!

I had not been back at my home church in Western North Carolina but a few months. On a rainy Wednesday evening, we had a powerful time of praying in the Spirit! My son, Tyler, was going to be my ride home after the service. We had not even traveled a mile from the church building, when I suddenly slapped Tyler across the chest and shouted, "Watch out for deer!” He stomped the brake out of reflex, and a deer jumped off the bank right in front of us! Had he not reacted that way, the poor deer would have come through the windshield! I all my years driving that highway, I had never seen a deer and I did not see that one, but God did! He gave me divine impulse in split second timing!

I will conclude with this testimony. I had resigned from my church in Nashville, TN because God had called me to pioneer a Teen Challenge center. With no income but bills, we headed for Batesville, IN with all of our earthly possessions in a U-haul truck. I had no idea of where we were going to live, but I knew that my Heavenly Father knew, and that was good enough for me! When I drove into town, I had an open vision of what I found out later, was the Romwebber mansion. (His company built furniture for the White House) I saw a “for rent” sight in the front yard. I recognized the neighborhood because we used to walk there when I had previously pastored in the town a few years before. Ryan, our oldest, recognized the neighborhood and said, “Are we going to live among the old rich people, and we had a good laugh! To my utter astonishment, there was a “for rent” sign in the front yard, exactly as I had seen it in the vision! So many miraculous things happened there, but I will save it for another time! We do not seek the gift of Tongues, we seek the Giver! How much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit, to them that ask! (Luke 11:13) The mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in an unknown tongue, is yours for the asking! HALLELUJAH!

Every blessing!


Tom Anglin