We feel the breath of the wind upon our cheeks, we see the dust and the leaves blowing before the wind, we see the vessels at sea driven swiftly towards their ports; but the wind itself remains invisible. Just so with the Spirit; we feel His breath upon our souls, we see the mighty things He does, but Himself we do not see. He is invisible, but He is real and perceptible. ~ R.A. TORREY
Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
The world has never been the same since the mighty rushing wind that birthed the Church in the upper room. The Church came under the influence of the Holy Spirit and He propelled the Church into to spreading the Gospel from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth!
In the Summer of ‘86, I was serving as a youth pastor/associate at a church in mid-Michigan. While mowing the lawn and singing to the Lord, I had an open vision. I saw a river and a wood chip being carried downstream by the current. It was completely powerless to do anything but float wherever the current willed to take it. Then the vision transitioned to a white feather being carried wherever the wind desired! The feather was entirely subject to the wind current. I then uttered the following prayer. It remains the cry of my to the Lord to this day:
Let me be a chip in the river of Your Spirit.
Let me be a feather in the wind of the Holy Ghost.
Yielding to Your leading, and giving no resistance.
Send me down Your river, let me flow.
Though that mighty rushing wind on the day of Pentecost, was invisible and remains invisible 2000 years later, the influence of it is still being powerfully seen and felt around the globe! The Church was born that day and the mighty wind ushered in a global missions movement! Every follower of Jesus is commanded to come under the influence of the Holy Spirit! Rom 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Literally, the word led here means to be carried by the Spirit! Sons, speaks of the maturing ones! If we are not maturing, we are not growing, if we are not growing, our fruit is dying! I have read that the moment a tree stops growing it starts dying.
The rushing mighty wind of the Spirit is still blowing in this hours! It is time to hoist our sails of faith, and be carried wherever that wind blows us!
Are you living under the mighty influence of Holy Ghost wind? It’s still God’s method to win the world!
Every blessing!
A feather in the wind, Tom