“Happy is the one who walks so close to God that they leave no room for the devil to slip between.”
Jas 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse [your] hands, [you] sinners; and purify [your] hearts, [you] double-minded.
What an awesome promise! If I draw near to God, He will draw near to me. Christ made the first move toward us when He hung on the cross in our place! Now, I determine how close I want to be to Him. To draw near to the Lord is cleanse our hands; to put away our practice of Sin. It is also to cease to be divided in our pursuits. My discipline is what reveals my true desire. Eph. 4:27 says, “Don’t give Satan a place!” If we allow Jesus to be at a distance, the Devil will fill that gap!
I believe that the goal of every child of God is grow closer and closer to Jesus and to develop a deeper and deeper relationship with Him! We do this by drawing nearer and nearer to Him. In 1980 I was a newly-wed. We were staying temporarily, in a the home of a pastor’s widow in Jacksonville, Florida. The first morning as the light of day began to dawn, I was up. I saw little sign on the wall that read: “I you don’t feel close to God, guess who moved!” In time, I began to realize that Jesus longs to be closer to us in relationship than even a brother! (Pr. 18:24) Jesus brought you near to God by His own blood. (Eph. 2:13) Beloved, draw nearer, because it’s your move now!
Every blessing!