“He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.”
“When we add desperation to our spiritual hunger, we become irresistible to God!”
You may be familiar with the woman from Canaan, with the demon possessed daughter. Remember that she approached Jesus in hope that He would set her free from the devil. She appealed worshipfully to His mercy and was given the cold shoulder so to speak. Even the disciples wanted to give her the brush off. She however, would not be denied! Jesus told her that is was inappropriate to give the children’s bread to the dogs! Then her hunger for that bread and her desperation for Christ’s intervention brought forth her irresistible reply, “Truth, Lord, but even the dog’s get to eat the crumbs that fall from the children’s table!” At that point Jesus great heart of compassion could no longer resist, He could not withhold His delivering power! He said, “Woman, your faith is so great, your desperate hunger has granted your wish! The devil had to go that very hour!
Perhaps we should not only pray, “Lord, increase our faith, but also Lord increase our hunger for You to a desperate level! O Father, we call on You to increase our capacity and our appetite for more of You, until we are filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, in Jesus precious name and for His glory! AMEN!
Every blessing!