Col 3:4 When Christ [who is] our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
“The great of this world are those who simply loved God more than others did.”
As I was leaving my home yesterday to go and worship with the saints, the thought struck me, “Why do we gather as a church?” Then the answer came to me immediately, “Because Christ is our life!” We have the same answer to many questions, “Why do we study the Bible? Why do we worship the Lord? Why do we share our faith in Jesus? Why are we willing to suffer persecution for the Gospel’s sake? Why do we experience unspeakable joy? Why do we know peace beyond our understanding?” I could go on and on, because, Christ is our life! The Word does not say, “Christ, who is IN our life, but rather, Christ who IS our life!” See the difference? Have you noticed that some people treat Christ as if He is for emergency use only! There is quite a chasm between Jesus IS our life or just Jesus IN our life.
My friend, I need more of the Holy Spirit in my everyday life. So thankful we can have more for the asking! (Luke 11:13) Jesus said, when the Holy Spirit comes He will lead you into ALL TRUTH! JESUS IS ALL TRUTH! John 16:13) It is the precious Holy Spirit who is preparing us like a bride to make us ready for the Marriage Supper of The Lamb. (Rev. 19:9) This wedding is exclusively for those have made Christ their life!
IN__ or IS __ Where do you place the check mark? Based on the worthiness of Jesus, IS__ is the only appropriate answer for One so precious as He! HALLELUJAH!!
Every blessing!