“Forgiveness transcends finite human reason. The mere thought that one’s entire sin account can be utterly eradicated is staggering. Yet it is quite clear that the forgiveness of sins strikes at the very core of human need and experience. It speaks of guilt gone, remorse removed, depression disappearing and emptiness of life eradicated. What power there is in forgiveness! And it all comes abundantly from the gracious hand of God.”
Psalm 130:1 Out of the depths I have cried to You, O LORD; 2 Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. 3 If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? 4 But [there is] forgiveness with You, that You may be feared. NKJV
Let me draw your attention to just one word in the preceding text, “MARK.” The word “Mark” with it’s several meanings, to me is best represented by, “to look narrowly.” Collins Dictionary defines the phrase like this: “If you look at someone narrowly, you look at them in a concentrated way, often because you think they are not giving you full information about something.” Like a prosecuting attorney looking intently and suspiciously in order to uncover your crime. So the good news is that God does not look narrowly at you and I! If He did, not one of us could stand!
The Psalmist cries out like a drowning man, “out of the depths.” Here is a likely explanation of David’s desperate cry to God in Psalm 38:4 For my iniquities have gone over my head; Like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me. NKJV Here in Psalm 130, the depths of his sin are overwhelming and over his head! Have you ever felt like your sin was too much for God to forgive? I know I have! Jesus is our defense attorney. All He is listening for you and I to do, is put our trust in His finished work. Based on our trust in Him, He will prove our innocence to the Judge, who by the way, is our Father! Satan is the accuser. He wants you to believe the hand of God is not a hand of mercy and rescue, but rather a hand to push and hold you under to drown you! NEVER! Remember when Peter was walking on the water and the wind and waves overcame his faith and he began to sink. Peter cried to Jesus, “Lord save me!” (Matt. 14:30) The hand of the Almighty was immediately extended and pulled him up and walked him safely back to the boat! No probing! No condemning! Jesus just asked why did you believe the wind and the waves instead of Me? Friend, it is our faith in Jesus that keeps us afloat, walking above the waves of sin. Sin is always there to engulf us when take our eyes off Jesus! Believe this, “His grace is greater and His mercy runs deeper than all your sin!” If you are sinking, call on Jesus and be lifted to walk on with Him!
Every blessing!