John 17:17 "Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.
“We’ve already seen how sin began when God’s command was reduced to a question [Gen. 3:1]. At that moment the most deadly spiritual force was covertly smuggled into the world: the assumption that God’s Word is subject to human judgment.”
All the trouble in the world began with the belief in the lie in the garden with the snake and the tree! Mankind historically, has always had the propensity toward believing lies! Satan has always capitalized on the weakness of our human flesh. With the lie they believed about the goodness of God, the Devil stripped away mankind’s God given dominion, in the blink of an eye! Horrific suffering is completely global all because we embrace lies and reject God’s truth. Because Satan has worked hard to discredit God, many have fallen prey to his lies about the Lord! Just as the devil sowed the seed of doubt in their minds, Gen 3:5 "For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
We are a society that calls or judges evil to be good and good and good to be evil! (Isa. 5:20) We are seeing a great forsaking of the Truth; the Word of God! The good news in the midst of all the bad news, is that when hearts turn to the Lord, God reestablishes innocence and truth in our hearts! How desperately we need an awakening that turns our hearts back to the Truth! God alone is good! Rom. 3:12 They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one." God alone is capable of judging between good and evil! It is good to know that we can trust in the impeccable goodness and righteous judgment of Father God and leave off trying to be a god ourselves! When His Truth is running our lives, Satan’s lie stops ruining our lives! May the Lord raise up a generation in this hour, that is valiant for the Truth! Oh how I want to be in that number! What say you?
Every blessing!