
Act 17:6 (b) "These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.

The early Christians did not say “look what the world is coming to!” but “look what has come into the world!”
— Carl F.H. Henry

There are those today, who are flipping houses and making a great living at it! What we need in this world today, are those that would make it their passionate goal, to flip an upside down world, right side up! We need to take an honest look at what the world is coming to! Throwing up our hands and saying, “Oh well, what are you going to do?”, will never cut it! We, the people of God, must fall on our faces and cry out to God until the people sitting in this gross darkness cry out saying, “look what has come into the World! “ WHAT IN THE WORLD is needed? What the world needs is not better government! It is not better social programs! It is not better living conditions! It is not better pay checks! It is not better stimulus packages! I could write pages here, but I will spare you! WHAT IN THE WORLD is needed, is disciples of Jesus with a better understanding of God’s heart for a broken world! What the world needs is people whose hearts burn for the glory of God, to take hold of the passion of Jesus Christ! The type of devils loose among us, will not be bound and cast out, without prayer and fasting! Those that rise to this passion are the ones, the burning ones, who will usher in the greatest move of God’s Spirit the world has ever seen! How I long to hear, “LOOK WHAT HAS COME INTO THE THE WORLD!” The world is waiting to see those that flip this world, show up here!

Friends, I want to be in that number! What say you?

Every blessing!


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