“If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”
Php. 1: 23 For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, [which is] far better. NKJV
Some wise one once said, “Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once.” True words! Paul is saying that he longs to go and be with Christ, which is far better. In the next verse he said that is was necessary for the Philippians, and the other churches, that he live on a while to minister to them. I imagine, knowing from Scripture, that Paul had already tasted of the world to come. I am sure that he thought much of leaving his fleshly body and the hardships of the present world to go and forever be with his Lord Jesus Christ!
If you have truly been born again, there is an innate desire in your heart to go and be with Christ! As we walk with Him in this world, there is a growing longing and love for His appearing! (2Tim. 4:8) We can be at ease that we have an appointment with Heaven. In the meantime, we need the fire in Jesus’ heart to burn in ours, to win souls and make disciples and to shine forth as lights in this dark world!
Ahh! Isn’t it a wonderful thing that you have been born for another world, which is indeed is far better and greater than the world you are living in presently! At the perfect moment in time, we will go to be with Him! Yes, we have much to pour into the people around us. We have much to look forward to, be we must for now, be about the Father’s business! Rise! Let us be going!
Every blessing!