“A knowing of Jesus without a growing in Jesus is empty head knowledge. The one that really knows Him, will really love Him more and more and can never be silenced about His awesome greatness!”
Php. 3:10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,
I can almost hear the crack in the Apostle’s voice while he utters the words as he pens them in Philippians 3:10. Think of his cry to know Jesus after all he had been through for Him, even before Paul wrote the little book! “That I may know Him!” Do you share his passion?
I recently ran across a video of a band that I banged my head along with, 42 years ago. The crowd that they played for was more than 50,000 people. The clueless multitude chanted their praises as if they believed “the gods” had come down among them! I began to weep as I felt the heart of Jesus breaking for countless masses of souls racing to eternity without knowing Jesus as Savior and Lord! I am still weeping over the desperate lostness of the unbelieving. Satan has blinded the minds of untold millions, still untold!
My dear reader, would you allow Jesus to break your heart and join me and others around the world in brokenness and in weeping intercession, until God pours out His eyeopening, heart transforming Spirit upon blinded hearts and minds? Oh, but don’t stop there! Share the Gospel with every open heart! Lock on to someone, pray their heart open and sow the precious seed of the Word of God into their opened heart, then water that seed with your tears!
Psa. 126:5 Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. 6 He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves [with him]. NKJV
Jesus died that I might know Him! O God, let me live to know You and make You known to this generation!
Every blessing!