IDK, photographer

IDK, photographer

Jesus said to give no place to the Devil and yet, some people build him a mansion. --JKH

2Cor. 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;

An unarmed mind is so inviting to the devil, because he’s given a free pass! That mind is simply irresistible! You have heard it said that, “You can’t stop birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building a nest!” Hang on to that thought.

In nearly 4 decades of ministry now, I have come to believe, that the worst type of stronghold is when Satan is given “place” ie. a construction permit to work in our minds. I am not talking about demon possession here. No! I’m talking about demon concession. Conceding to a demon who keeps knocking, who keeps appealing for entrance to your thought processing center, in order to influence your actions and behavior as much as he possibly can!

If you recognize that the enemy has begun construction in your mind, let me give an example: and there are many, “Resentment”, that’s a serious matter. Begin to demolish this work at once! If you have given him some “place” in your life, call on God to empower you with His mighty spiritual weapons of M.A.S.S. destruction! (Malevolent Agenda: Structuring Strongholds) Take back that “place” and surrender it to Jesus! Fill your thoughts with His truth, His word is truth, walk in truth and be set free, in Jesus name! AMEN!

Every blessing!


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