Mat 7:24 "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 "and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
A man that’s not anchored to The Rock is like a raft on a raging sea
He’s tossed about to and fro and he paddles hopelessly
This used to be my life my friend ‘till The Rock got hold of me
Yes, this used to my life my friend ‘till The Rock got a hold of me
And He calmed the stormy sea, He set this captive free
He made the devil flee, He saved a wretch like me
He’s who I want to see and He’s where I want to be
He shed His blood for me, He’s everything to me
Forever I bless the day that The Rock got a hold of me!
This is a chorus from a song I wrote in 1982, a couple of years after turning to Christ from my sinful lifestyle. Very early on in my walk with Jesus, I learned that if I would be His disciple, I had to resolutely apply the preceding verses to my everyday life. Because of this resolve, I have weathered many perilous storms of life! Friend, we need to look no further than The Rock Christ Jesus! In this hour the storms are raging and the Earth beneath is quaking. Tragedies strike and terrifying impossibilities befall us. However, those anchored upon The Rock will remain unmovable and unshakeable. They will still be standing and still be shining, when the storms pass! The anchor will hold and The Rock will not be moved. The voyage will get rougher, but Jesus our Captain will deliver us safely to the other side! HALLELUJAH! (see Luke 8:22-25)
Every blessing!