“If we walk away from risk to keep ourselves safe, we will waste our lives.”
Matt 7:14 "Because narrow [is] the gate and difficult [is] the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Jesus plainly told us, that by trying to save our lives, we would lose them. (Matt. 16:25) I wonder how much we really believe the words of Christ? I see the two verse referenced here, in two ways. First, if we choose the broad way, which is our own way, we will never experience eternal life. Jesus warned us that only those that do the will of His Father, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matt. 7:21) Truly the narrow way, is the only way that leads to life! Secondly, if we go our own way, the life of Christ will not manifest through us and therefore and we will not have the power to show others real life, or lead others to real life. Only those that believe Jesus, the way the scripture declares Him, have the powerful river of life flowing through them! (John 7:38)
We surely do waste our lives when we avoid the riskiness of following Jesus, in order to “save” our lives in this world! The broad way is the selfish way. The narrow way, is indeed the road less traveled. However, it is the Jesus road, it is the Jesus way! The narrow way, really, is the only way to life, real life, eternal life, life giving life, overcoming and abundant life. May the Lord help you and I to take the narrow way, today and every day! Let’s press on this way and find the true life in this world and in the world to come, eternal life!
Every blessing!