The root of our problem is not ignorance. Beneath ignorance is hardness of heart against God and His ways… against the good I know.
— John Piper

Hebrews 3:13 but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today," lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

It is very disturbing to me, to see a man or woman way up in years, still unconverted to Christ. The Holy Spirit is faithful to convict us of our sin and to draw us to Christ. (John 16:8) Yet, we are never strong-armed by Him or coerced to come to Jesus.

Many years ago, when I was around twenty years old and very far from God, I worked with an old man, probably in his late seventies. He was always kind to me and others. However, his speech made it very clear that he did not fear God. I was very fond of him. He always made me laugh. One day, Dave had a heart attack at work. It was not good and the EMT’s worked hard to save him. A burden for that man’s soul came on me. I left the office building where I worked and began to pace outside, crying out to God, “Take me instead of him!” I said it until I began to weep. Dave was not ready to meet God and I knew that for sure! I had not considered it, but I was certainly not ready to meet God either! Dave lived and so did I, in the mercy of God. However, Dave’s near death experience did not seem to soften his heart toward the Lord, at all!

I am sure Dave has been in eternity somewhere, for many years now. Perhaps you have heard a preacher say in time past, "God hardened Pharaoh’s heart.” I have no argument for that except that Pharaoh hardened his own heart ten times when he had opportunity to repent! So God turned him over to the hardness of his own heart! This process remains the same today! (See Rom. 1:18-28)

Now, here is the punchline! The text above, Hebrews 3:13, reveals that Christians can harden their hearts through the deceitfulness of sin! Hebrews was written to believers! Sin is so deceptive that even we believers, can harden our hearts against the truth. We need to encourage one another on a daily basis with the Word of Truth to ward against hardening our hearts against faithfulness to God.

May you never grow colder as you grow older, toward the Lord. If we will keep our hearts tender toward God and humble ourselves before the Lord, He will help us to keep our hearts soft and pliable in His hands! He means to make you and I, His masterpiece! (See Eph. 2:10) HALLELUJAH!

Every blessing!


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