Php 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
I love to sit out on our back deck as the Sun begins to peep over the mountain range to the East! One of my favorite features is the sound of the mass choir of song birds! This morning they were singing their little hearts out! Their harmony was so happy, I knew that they were singing praises to their Maker! They were singing as though they did not have a care in this world! How beautiful it was and then suddenly, their song of Alleluias were stifled by a sound of alarm! It was a neighbor’s car alarm going off. When it first began to sound, the birds chorus was dampened for a moment and then they began to try to rise above unfamiliar sound in their sanctuary. Yet, as the alarm persisted, their happy songs faded away! I could still hear a very few of them in the distance, trying to carry on, but it just wasn’t the same as before. Though the alarm had ceased for a while, the singing did not return. Perhaps they feared that this strange thing was going to happen again. Well, they were right, there it goes again and now their beautiful sound has gone almost out of earshot.
Friends, the sounds of alarm of this strange new thing that is happening in our world, is no more threat to us than the car alarm was to the birds this morning! Yet the sound we are hearing has a confusingly uncertain ring to it and it is frightening to say this least. The news we’re hearing goes from bad to worse, day by day! Yet, in all reality, it is a signal for the family of God to sing to Him a little louder than ever before! His return is drawing very near! Our song has no cause for interruption! God’s faithful love will abide with us through it all! By grace we will prevail over all the wind and waves that we may yet face! His grace will be absolutely sufficient to carry us all the way to Heaven’s glorious shore! This is no time to stop singing our praises! No! It’s time to sing a little louder! Our Redeemer lives and His redemption is drawing very near! Lift up your head and lift up your praises! HALLELUJAH! AMEN!
Every blessing!