But when you get music and words together, that can be a very powerful thing.
— Bryan Ferry

1Cor 10:31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

One of the top songs of the 70's was "Hotel California" by the Eagles. Most people have no idea the song refers to the Church of Satan, which happens to be located in a converted HOTEL on CALIFORNIA street! On the inside of the album cover, looking down on the festivities, is Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible! People say, the Eagles aren't serious, they're just selling records. That's what you think! The Eagles manager, Larry Salter, admitted in the Waco Tribune-Herald, (Feb. 28, 1982) that the Eagles were involved with the Church of Satan! Not surprisingly, one of the Eagle's songs is titled "Have A Good Day in Hell."

The group Kiss leaped on stage as Rock 'n Roll demons...puking blood, breathing fire and screaming..."God of rock 'n roll, we'll steal your virgin soul." In their song "God of Thunder", they command young people to kneel before Satan:

"I'm lord of the wasteland, a modern day man of steel
I gather darkness to please me and I COMMAND YOU TO KNEEL
Before, The God of thunder, the god of rock 'n roll

Acts 19:19 Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver.

Tammy and I were newly weds in 1980. We had not been playing house too long when something out of the ordinary happened. We had a demonic entity pay us a visit. I had come from a long romance with hard rock music and I was a lead singer/ song writer in a hard rock band. I had thousands of dollars worth of vinyl records stored in an upstairs closet. I could not listen to them any more, I felt too convicted. I realized the words were not mere words, they were down right blasphemous against the One I now loved!

Tammy would say to me over and over, "You need to get rid of those albums!" I kept promising that I would when I had the opportunity.

Our habit was that after supper, we would sit down on our bed and read the Bible to each other. I would read a chapter and Tammy would read chapter. We would pass the Bible back and forth until we read ten or twelve chapters.

While Tammy was reading to me one night, the bathroom door across the hall, slammed so loudly it should have broken the door frame. Tammy never looked up from the Bible, but pointed her finger back at the door and said, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ!" I leapt to my feet and said, "I'll rebuke them.... with my shot gun!"

I thought someone had broken into our home and was holding up in our bathroom. I grabbed my gun out from under the bed and proceeded to the bath room door. I twisted the door knob and with my fingers on both triggers and kicked the door open. To my absolute surprise, there was no one there. There was positively no draft in our home that could explain the slamming of the door.

For days prior to this happening there was the smell of something dead in our home. Tammy had cleaned our home ferociously from top to bottom with disinfectant, to no avail. The stink was coming from the down stairs closet that was directly beneath the upstairs closet where the albums were stored.

When I turned around and looked at Tammy as I was standing there with a shot gun in my hand, she said, "I have told you to get rid of those albums and now a demon has manifest in our home because of them!" At that point I had to agree with her. We prayed and I asked the Lord to forgive me for being lax about getting rid of this ungodly and even demonic collection I had held on to. We anointed the house with oil and I busted up the albums and threw them in the trash! From that moment, no more stinky demon in our home!

I learned from that experienced that not all music is harmless even if you don't listen to it! What we have in our possession (and not limited to music only) can invite and give license to satanic spirits to enter our turf! (see Eph. 4:27)

Is there something in your possession that needs to be cast out ?

Every blessing!


Tom AnglinComment