God’s grace didn’t get us going then leave us to get by on our works. Grace didn’t just justify us in the past, it sustains us in the present and will deliver us in the future.

John 1: 16 And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.

Maybe there has been a time in your life, that you made a statement that goes something like this: “I don’t have grace to do that anymore!” I have experienced grace for different seasons of my life. I have also learned how to recognize that when the seasons change, there is new grace for the new season. It is really the way that we Christians can keep running the race set before us! The phrase, “Grace for grace” literally translates, “Grace instead of Grace.” Wait, what?? Yes! One grace is replaced by another! Kind of like the runners in a relay race!

In 1st Peter 5:10, the apostle refers to the Lord as “the God of all Grace!” So from this we understand, that there is a grace for this and a grace for that, and all we accomplish in Christ, is completely by His grace! In elementary school, I discovered that I was a sprinter. Only one kid in school could run faster than me and he never beat me by more than a nose! I was fast, very fast! No brag, just a fact! (Amos McCoy) Apologies to my younger readers! I was a part of a winning relay team. After 100 yards though, I was done to the point blacking out. I gave it everything I had, so there was nothing left. In the same way, one grace will provide all the strength you need for one leg of the race, then it is time for replacement grace to take the baton and carry you to the next leg!

When you feel that your grace is running out, look up there is a fresh grace eagerly waiting to take the baton, (you) on to the next phase! Of His fullness, we have ALL received! Jesus Christ is FULL of grace and truth, (John 1:14) Brother, Sister, there is an endless supply and humbling ourselves before Him, will guarantee you will always receive the exact grace you need! There is grace after grace until you finish your race! HALLELUJAH!

Every blessing!


Tom Anglin