“Leonardo da Vinci took a friend to criticize his masterpiece of the ‘Last Supper,’ and the remark of the friend was, ‘The most striking thing in the picture is the cup!’ The artist took his brush and wiped out the cup as he said, ‘Nothing in my painting shall attract more attention than the face of my Master!”
Col 1:18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.
Jesus Christ is not just above and beyond all things, He is way above and way beyond all things!
2Cor 10:5 casting down arguments (imaginations) and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
To cast down imaginations and give Christ is His rightful place of preeminence, our words, thoughts and deeds, must place Him way above all, at all times and in all circumstances! Here are some things for your consideration:
Jesus is greater than all accusations! Jesus is far greater than all altercations! Jesus is far greater than all calculations! Jesus is far greater than all celebrations! Jesus is far greater than all congregations! Jesus is far greater than all demonstrations! Jesus is far greater than all destinations! Jesus is far greater than all dispensations! Jesus is far greater than all denominations! Jesus is far greater than all denominations! (Yes, I said that one twice!) Jesus is far greater than all educations! Jesus is far greater than all elevations! Jesus is far greater than all estimations! Jesus is far greater than all explanations! Jesus is far greater than all formulations! Jesus is far greater than all gratifications! Jesus is far greater than all habitations! Jesus is far greater than all illustrations! Jesus is far greater than all inclinations! Jesus is far greater than all idealizations! Jesus is far greater than all illuminations! Jesus is far greater than all imaginations! Jesus is far greater than all innovations! Jesus is far greater than all inaugurations! Jesus is far greater than all invitations! Jesus is far greater than all limitations! Jesus is far greater than all medications! Jesus is far greater than all meditations! Jesus is far greater than all motivations! Jesus is is far greater than all observations! Jesus is far greater than all occupations! Jesus is far greater than all relations! Jesus is far greater than all sensations! Jesus is far greater than all situations! Jesus is far greater than all temptations! Jesus is far greater than all translations! Jesus is far greater than all vexations! Believe me, I could go on but you get the point!
When Christ is exalted way above and way beyond everything else in life, then we begin to live in a realm of life far greater than anything we have ever imagined! All hail the preeminent One! HALLELUJAH!
Finally, Jesus is far greater than this Appalachian! (Appa-lay-shuh) :)
Every blessing!