“On a wall near the main entrance to the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, is a portrait with the following inscription: “James Butler Bonham—no picture of him exists. This portrait is of his nephew, Major James Bonham, deceased, who greatly resembled his uncle. It is placed here by the family that people may know the appearance of the man who died for freedom.” No literal portrait of Jesus exists either. But the likeness of the Son who makes us free can be seen in the lives of His true followers. ”
There is great controversy as to the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. Could this image be the image of Jesus Christ? Well, let’s just leave that for the experts to haggle over.
Rom 8:29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined [to be] conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.
At the present, I am grand-father to ten incredibly beautiful grandchildren! Some of them are more challenging for me than the others, to see both their parents in them. However, I can see them both in each one. Why? Because each one has inherited features and mannerisms from both their parents. As they grow it seems, like they begin to look more like one than the other.
It is the same way for us as Christians, as we grow in the Lord, we should more resemble by nature, our Heavenly Father than our earthly parents. It was once said of Jesus, “No man ever spoke like this man.” (John 7:46) Perhaps the way we speak to people is one of the greatest identifiers of the family we belong to. It’s certainly not our physical appearance that causes people to perceive our relation to God. It can be our mannerisms as well as our speech that identifies us. These two features should be the greatest give-aways that we are born of God! I believe these features should develop more and more in us as we mature in Christ. You see friend, our lives should cause people to ask the question, “Could this be the Christ?” NO! Not could we be the Christ, but could the one we speak of and live for, be the Christ? The more our lives and speech are conformed to the nature and character (image) of Jesus, the more people will see the one we represent!
Now living again in the area where I grew up, I run into people that remark how much I look like my dad. I am honored to be his son and to resemble him. What I want most in life is to resemble my Heavenly Father in word and in deed! I want those that observe my life to realize that this Jesus I am speaking of, is the one their heart is searching for and longing for! How about you?
Every blessing!