“Did you hear about the guy who is both a taxidermist and a veterinarian?
He has a sign on his door: “Either way, you get your dog back.”
PhP 1:21 For to me, to live [is] Christ, and to die [is] gain.
Paul describes in the verse above, what a true WIN, WIN situation is! After his conversion, Paul begins to burn like few ever have. His heart is set ablaze with passion to fully know Jesus Christ. It was the one thing that dominated his life! He could say with the Holy Spirit giving witness, “It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me”…(Gal. 2:20) Paul tells us that he has ceased from living for himself and is now a vessel for Christ to live His life through! This is not simply normal, this is supernatural! He has discovered the secret living a laid down life. Such a life will experience the fulness of Christ! The is life on Earth at it’s very finest! Not an easy life but the absolute fullest and greatest life rendering a world maximum impact!
9:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain [it].
Paul made a decision and stuck to it: to go all in and live for the life to come. Not for the temporary, but for the eternal! Some suggest that you can be so Heavenly minded that you are no earthly good. HA! I have yet to witness that in my now 62 years on Earth! Paul kept his eyes on the prize at the finish line! He ran with all his might all the way into the arms of his loving Lord at the end of his course! To die is gain! Friend, we can never, ever calculate the greatness of that gain but may we run our race like we intend to find out!
Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, enable us to live this WIN, WIN life for Your glory! AMEN! HALLELUJAH!!
Every blessing!