2Cor 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

We want to see, it’s only natural. I have often thought, of all the senses that I have, if I could only keep one, it would be the sense of sight! Without the ability to see, I would feel that I am not in control of where I am going. Scary! Though I am not a pilot, as a passenger I have often thought when the plane goes through turbulence, “Let me drive this thing, so I can see what is going on!” Ha! That would be a disaster!

Friend, God has no desire to be your Copilot. Nor does He need you to be His Copilot. He is the Captain, you and I are the passengers. Our feelings often say, “I will take it from here!” Believe me, feelings will ultimately crash the plane. David said, “Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name!” (Ps. 103:1) Our soul is comprised of our mind, will and emotions (feelings). So David is telling us to worship God with our feelings but when those feelings are misguided by our circumstances, then let our minds acknowledge how worthy He is at all times and with our wills, worship Him with all of our hearts! He is always worthy of our all! HALLELUJAH!

Every blessing!


P.S. God is the greatest pilot of all! Though He make you nervous at times, tighten your seatbelt, close your eyes and trust Him. He has never lost one of His passengers!

Tom Anglin