“The little troubles and worries of life may be as stumbling blocks in our way, or we may make them stepping-stones to a nobler character and to Heaven. Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things.”
Rom 8:37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
If my memory serves, which it often does not, I remember reading an account of Charles Spurgeon. As the story went, the great prince of preachers stepped up to his pulpit one Sunday morning and gave his sermon title as “What Makes A Great Man Of God?” He then shouted the message with just one word, “TROUBLE!” Then he turned and knelt down at his chair to pray.
I personally don’t know anything about being a great man of God but I should have earned a doctorate in TROUBLE! People have asked me why I think I have witnessed so many miraculous things through the years. I tell them, perhaps they have never met anyone that needed miracles more than I.
I have leaned hard on the belief that I have been made more than a conqueror through Him who loves me! I have to apply this believe to all life’s troubling things. There is a plentitude for us all! God has never failed to bring me through every single trouble. Why? Because, He is faithful and will not allow our troubles to triumph over us! I have realized that trust rises and despair sinks! Trouble may be the great tool in God’s hand to shape us more into the nature and character of His Son. Friend, I have come to believe that is what the Christian life is all about! Trust Jesus at all times! (Psalm 62:8) He will turn your troubles into triumphs and your tests into testimonies!
Every blessing!