“The man who measures things by the circumstances of the hour is filled with fear; the man who sees Jehovah enthroned and governing has no panic.”
2Ch 20:12 "O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes [are] upon You."
If ever there was a place in history for panic, it would have certainly been understandable with what King Jehoshaphat was facing. Israel was sorely outnumbered by Moab, Ammon and even others allied together against Israel to make war. It was an extremely dire situation! Jehoshaphat had messed up just prior to this in becoming an ally to wicked King Ahab and he received a powerful rebuke from Jehu! (2Chron. 19) That had to be weighing heavy on Jehoshaphat’s mind as he considered the coming attack. Perhaps, this also shook his confidence that God would be with him in battle.
On the horizon, you may see the cloud of dust of some dreaded thing on a collision course with you. Something in the near future you don’t know how you will get through. Something so ominous you want to run and try to hide. Let your faith in God and His faithfulness rise in your heart. Let some trusted, praying friends in our your situation, who will join their faith with yours. Set yourself to seek the Lord. Do some fasting. Let praise, thanksgiving and worship go before you into the battle! Now, your battle belongs to the Lord! Don’t panic! God is for you, so it doesn't matter who or what is against you! Finally, let me suggest that you go to 2Chron. 20. Read and meditate on the first 30 verses. His love for you will never fail!
Every blessing!