“Jesus – Conceived in a ghetto, carried by a peasant, delivered in a stall.
You think you didn’t have a chance because of where you started?”
2Ki 4:2 So Elisha said to her, "What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?" And she said, "Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil."
A widow woman was about to lose her two sons to a creditor. Desperate, she reached out to the prophet Elisha. When he asked her what did she have in her possession, she told him, “NOTHING…but a jar of oil!” She was panicked because she didn’t know the value of her one seemingly small possession! She had a jar of oil. PERFECT! That was all she needed! He instructed her to go and borrow all the containers she could from her neighbors. She did it. The prophet began to pour the oil until he filled every last vessel! Then the oil stopped! She paid off the debt and lived off the rest!
What do you have in your possession? Only a jar of oil you say? You may make excuses over this or that. Why you can’t do this or that. However, if you are a born-again child of God, you have a great treasure in your house. In your jar of clay. That treasure is the Spirit of almighty God dwelling inside of you. You have the power residing in you that carried out the command of Jesus, “LET THERE BE LIGHT!” There was light because the Holy Spirit made Christ’ command happen! That power resides in you! Make no excuses. Call on God for the power of the Holy Spirit in you to meet your need. No matter how great, He has the power to carry it out! Trust, believe and receive in Jesus name! AMEN!
Every blessing!