“Although we cannot alter the past, we can put our past on the altar.”
Luk 22: 62 So Peter went out and wept bitterly.
Apostle Peter was a man that went from a place of ungodly self-confidence, to a place of Godly sorrow. He wept bitter tears after that rooster crowed. The rooster brought a terrible realization that Peter had broken his oath of allegiance to Jesus. He abandoned his Lord in His darkest hour. He was overwhelmed with sorrow for his sin and betrayal.
Have you ever done something that was so bad, you could not seem to forgive yourself? You could not even lift your voice to the Lord to ask His forgiveness because you felt so ashamed. I know that I have been that man. In my early days of walking with Jesus, reflecting on my past was so painful that I wanted to die. I was so overwhelmed with the unbelief that I could have been that wicked before God. It was hard to pray and look up to Him. Maybe this is how Peter felt after denying Christ three times.
Three ladies that followed Christ met an angel on resurrection morning. (Mk. 16:1) The angel told them to go and tell the disciples AND Peter, that Jesus was risen. He did not count Peter in the group of disciples but he did not count him out! Peter rose from a place of brokenness and deep repentance to take the lead in the early days of the Church! Perhaps your past has you paralyzed. Put the painful memories of your past on the ALTAR and allow the Lord to ALTER your future for His glory, like He did for Peter!
Christ blood is enough! God forgives and forgets! You should let Him if you haven’t already!
Every blessing!