When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When he stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When he stops praying, the devil shouts for joy.

1Th 2:18 Therefore we wanted to come to you--even I, Paul, time and again--but Satan hindered us.

Satan hindered us! Wait! What? Notice the word, “Hindered". It means, to impede one's course by cutting off his way. By cutting off his way! The Devil is all about cutting off “Your way!” Sister Corrie puts it so understandably. Three very vital practices that every child of God must employ: Fellowship. Study of the Word and Prayer. Each like vital organs that our bodies cannot live without. The Devil prides himself on hindering the saints. Anything to impede our Kingdom progress. He especially knows that these three pursuits, do his dominion the most damage.

Christians in close fellowship with other disciples don’t slip through the cracks into isolation. We like coals in a fire, need to stay huddled together to avoid cooling off! The study of Word keeps our hearts, minds and eyes on Jesus our grand prize at the of this life! Without the Word we lose our way. Prayer is like breathing. How long can you stay on your feet without breathing? When we pray, the Holy Spirit breathes into us the oxygen of Heaven! Satan loves to hinder, to weaken, to discourage, to dampen, to cool off, to cut off our oxygen. He delights to disrupt these critical practices. Even the great Apostle Paul, experienced his hindering power. These three habits strip his delight and bring about his defeat! Fellowship, Study, Prayer: The habits of champions!

Every blessing!


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