“Prayer and sinning will never live together in the same heart. Prayer will consume sin, or sin will choke prayer.”
2Co 6:14 (c) And what communion has light with darkness?
In recent times, 50 Shades Of Gray, was a hit movie. No! I did not watch it! It’s popularity was a telltale sign that we love to mix darkness with light. The devil’s strategy is entice Christian’s into compromise. If he can coax us into mixture, we will become prayer-less. If we are prayer-less, we become powerless. He knows that if we are prayerful we will become powerful! If we breakthrough to prayerfulness our hearts will overflow with His love and His light upon all those around us!
Christian, this is a darkening world. We must arise against this backdrop of gross darkness and shine! If we soak in the Sonshine, the world will see His glory reflecting from His Church and many will be drawn to Jesus, the Light of the World. O Father, bring forth that glorious day!
Every blessing!