“Nothing delights Him more than to find those whom He can take with Him into the Father’s presence, clothing them with power to pray down God’s blessing to those around them, training them to be His fellow-workers in the intercession by which the kingdom is to be revealed on earth.”
[Acts 2:1 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
The unrivaled greatest prayer meeting in History is recorded in Acts 2! As a result of that ten-day prayer meeting, the world has never been the same. That upper room became the great labor and delivery room where the Church was birthed! When the Holy Spirit rushed in, the promise of the Father was fulfilled! The 120 disciples were transformed into Spirit baptized evangelists and 3,000 souls were brought into the Kingdom of God! Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and even to the ends of the Earth began to experience the wonder-working power of God transforming cultures!
Last night in my discipleship class, we finished viewing a documentary about 4 cities in great upheaval and great need of a mighty move of God’s Spirit. In each city, pastors and churches came together to cry out to God for their cities in united intercession. In each place, GOD CAME IN POWER! The cities came under the influence of the Gospel! Whole gangs were converted! Governments surrendered to Christ! Drug addicts were saved and called the ministry. Jails were closed for the lack of criminals! Crime diminished dramatically. The prevailing outcome in each place was the darkness was turned to the light of Jesus Christ! We prayed together with renewed passion! We prayed for our neighbors to come to Christ and for the Church around us to come together! God is going to make HIStory everywhere His people passionately pray together
Let’s do our part in compelling the Body of Christ to come together and rise to our mission of turning the world around us to Christ! IN JESUS NAME AND FOR HIS SAKE! AMEN!
Every blessing!