1Peter 5:7 casting all your care upon Him,
for He cares for you.
There have been many times in my life that I have been so overwhelmed with impossible problems. It was like being cast into an unknown ocean with no land in sight! At times it seemed there was no alternative but to give up, sink, and drown. Oh, but there has always been this voice saying, “Give Me your every care, worry, doubt, your every fear. Give it all to Me, cast it all on Me! “ With the voice comes the outstretched arm saying, “I will strengthen you, I will help you! I will deliver you!”
I know the compassion of that voice and I know the saving strength of that mighty hand! He lovingly demands that I cast all my stresses, burdens, cares, and anxieties on Him, and let it all go to Him! Jesus’ only explanation is simply because He cares for me! Friend, He cares for you! If you are swimming in problems right now, be there many or few, He wants you to give every single one of them to Him, in order to begin living a stress-free life! Do this, and He will override your problems with His peace! Hallelujah!
Every blessing!