Zech. 4:6 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the LORD of hosts.
“Rivers carry within them the potential power to reshape and mold the environment around them. Keep that in mind as you remember that Jesus said, “Out of you will flow rivers of living water.”
The power of the Holy Spirit is not compared to a pond or even a trickling brook. No! He is compared to a rushing mighty river. He, the Spirit of God is a mighty river of power! A river of life! A torrential flood of the power of God. Power to save, power to heal, power to deliver, power to transform, power to revive, power for miracles, power to heal broken hearts, power to awaken! Omnipotent power!
The Father is in search of sold-out to Jesus people! His eyes roam to and fro throughout the whole earth in search of one whose heart is completely His! See 2Chron. 16:9 (a) Those are the ones that He can work with and work through by the power of the Spirit. He will supply all the power if we will supply Him with the living sacrifice! Could you be the kind of person that He is looking for and longing to work with? See Mark 16:20
Every blessing!