Rom 10:2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.

Just because someone is sincere in his conviction does not mean that it is true. It is possible to be sincerely wrong. ~ALLISTAIR BEGG

In the early 80s, I was a youth pastor and a street evangelist. I met a man that seemed to be on fire for the Lord and wanted to join me in reaching out to unsaved people. I said, “Alright, let’s hit the streets. I wish had been more discerning. I was looking for someone to talk to about Christ. We came to the theater which was across the street. He suddenly began to shout at the people,” You’re going to Hell because you go to the movies. Men, you're going to Hell because you have long hair and, ladies, you're going to Hell because your skirt is too short! You're going to Hell because you don’t go to church…” I could barely restrain him. I was shocked that he had no compassion for the people. I quickly got away from him! He was demanding a ton of perfection and was not able to produce an ounce of it himself. I later told him that people go to Hell because they do not turn from their sins and put their trust in Jesus, and follow Him, period. He was offended our brief partnership ended!

I have seen this spirit working through some “Christians,” to turn many away from Christ. The Pharisees, who demanded the crucifixion of Christ also had a religious spirit, and no fruit of the Spirit! Who of us really wants to be like them? Not me! God help us!

Conviction should actually grow throughout our Christian lives. In fact, one sign of spiritual growth is an increased awareness of our (own) sinfulness. ~JERRY BRIDGES - (parenthesis mine)

Every blessing!


Tom Anglin