"If it were easy, someone else would do it." – Art Fry, Inventor of the Post-it® Note

John 18:37 Pilate therefore said to Him, "Are You a king then?" Jesus answered, "You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."

The one who spoke the universe into existence, is on trial before man His creation. Unthinkable! Jesus here is looking like an impostor, a phony, a failure. Jesus does not waver from His course. He states His reason for coming to the earth: to bring truth to a world ruined by deception.

There are times in our walk with Jesus, that we will appear to be failures in the eyes of man. Yet, in the Lord, there are no failures. When you were born again, there was Kingdom of God purpose, birthed in you!

In the same way Christ was born in flesh and came to this world with purpose, so also you have been born into this world with purpose for such a time as this. You are not a mistake, you are His workmanship... if you have given your life to Jesus! Your task, though not easy, is your task. It is not for someone else! Again, your are not a mistake, you are a masterpiece in progress!

The Post-It Note was invented by the 3M company. That is the same company that makes Scotch tape. The Post-It Note is one of their best selling products and one of their most successful products ever, but did you know that it got its start with a failure? A scientist at 3M was working to try to improve the glue that they put on their tape so that it would stick better. He came up with a new formula for glue, but the new glue didn't stick very well at all. It would stick at first, but then it was very easily pulled off. He thought his new glue formula was a failure, but instead of throwing the formula in the trash, he decided to share it with others in the company and see if there might be some use for it. A man named Art Fry started trying the new glue in different ways and finally he came up with the idea for the Post-It Note. The rest is history! What started out to be a big failure for 3M turned out to be one of their greatest successes.
Sometimes the things we try to do in our lives don't turn out the way we thought they would. We were trying to do what we thought was best for us, but it just didn't work. When that happens, it is easy to just give up. Instead of giving up,what we need to do is turn it over to someone else. We need to turn it over to God! The Bible says that we plan our course, but the Lord directs our steps. Maybe we know where we want to go, but just can't seem to get there. If we will just put our faith and trust in Jesus, He will direct our steps. He can turn our failures into success. -- Source unknown (to me)

Perhaps you are going through a place right now, that seems as though you have failed. Well, I have some really good news: God has not finished the story on your life. No! You must realize, that He will perfect what concerns us!

The word of God tells us that, "He has made everything beautiful in His time." (Eccl. 3:11)

Everything, includes you!

Every blessing!


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