Show me a place on the face of the earth ten miles square where a man may provide for his children in decency and comfort, where infancy is protected, where age is venerated, where womanhood is honored, and where human life is held in due regard, and I will show you a place where the gospel of Christ has gone and laid the foundation.
— --James Russell Lowell

Matt. 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

Some years ago, I was ministering in an urban area with pretty serious gang problems. Homicides were common place. Shootings and fights were constant. The church that I was affiliated with became aggressive with it's outreach. They would walk the blocks and pick up trash and just do good in general and share Jesus with their neighbors. This church made such an inroad into the community. There were gang members whose family members benefited from the services given by the church. Some of the gang members began to come to Christ through the outreach. The church was committed to this work. After awhile, the police began to comment that the crime rate had significantly declined in that area. They gave the credit to the church for it’s passionate work!

My point is this: The church was salty. Salt is a wonderful preservative. Salt helps to stop rot. Many inner cities in America or even rural areas for that matter, are in moral decay because there is little or no presence of the salt that Jesus referred to. How tragic it is that when the devil began to move into the cities and communities, many churches have moved out!

May God send forth His salty laborers into these vast harvest fields! Could your neighborhood use some salt? Could Jesus say, “You are the salt of your neighborhood?” How can you sprinkle some Gospel salt where you are?

Every blessing!


Tom AnglinComment