Our young men are going into the professional fields because they don’t ‘feel called’ to the mission field. We don’t need a call; we need a kick in the pants. We must begin thinking in terms of ‘going out’, and stop our weeping because ‘they won’t come in’. Who wants to step into an igloo? The tombs themselves are not colder than the churches. May God send us forth.
— Jim Elliot - Martyr for Christ

Matt 24:12 "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.

Can you feel the chill in the air of modern Christianity? Yes? Well, Matt 24:12 makes the reason clear. None of us want to admit that we are affected by the abounding lawlessness. We tend to say, “That guy, those people, that church.” It is always those people. Until we are honest with ourselves and can admit that we need to have our hearts reignited with holy fire, we will remain in spiritual hypothermia. One of the main symptoms of hypothermia is sleepiness. If we don’t shake that sleepiness, we will go sound to sleep! Sleepy Christians don’t burn with the love of God. Rather than raising the spiritual temperature in their church, they help keep it cold.

One of the greatest evidences of a heart that is on fire, is the joy of the Lord! When you are overjoyed because of Jesus, your life, the last thing you can do is keep the Good News to yourself! You may say, “My church is just cold and dead!” Let me ask you, “Are you ok with that?” If so, you are cold and dead too! I’m not trying to be harsh, I am asking, “What are you doing to raise the temperature?” If you are just pointing at others, you are making excuses and you are not making a difference! Cold Christians cool others. Hot Christians warm others! Some reading this know what it is to be on fire. You say, “Yes, how do I get it back?” I say, “Just go back and do what you did to catch fire before!” Be the spark in your church! The Holy Ghost will use you as kindling to reignite the fire! Your church will burn and resume its mission and it can start with you!

“It only takes a spark to get a fire going and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. That's how it is with God's love once you've experienced it you spread His love to everyone you want to pass it on”
~Kurt Kaiser

Every blessing!


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