Everything has changed because of what we’re facing, but nothing has changed in terms of who He is in our midst. “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
— Sally McClung

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

Child of God, my thought for you today is “Let the world throw its very worst at you and Jesus has overcome it all on your behalf!” Let the dark clouds rise and they are. Let the storms keep raging and they do. Let none of the things of this present world move you or shake you. The one who is holding the billions of galaxies with all of their trillions of stars in place, is holding you safe in His Almighty arms!

The world around us is changing, the God who keeps us is not! O Hallelujah, He has no variation and not even a shadow of change! (James 1:17) I am talking to someone today. You are overwhelmed by your circumstances. Lay them all at the feet of the One who gave His absolute all for you! He loves you, He made you to love! Rest on Him. Relax because He is taking care of everything that concerns you. Enjoy the life He paid for in full by His death! Just believe Him and He will work it all out! BE OF GOOD CHEER! Your faith will not be disappointed!

Every blessing!


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