Fight like a good soldier and if you sometimes fall through weakness, rise again with greater strength than before, trusting in His most abundant grace.
— Thomas a Kempis

MarK 14:31 But he spoke more vehemently, "If I have to die with You, I will not deny You!" And they all said likewise.

LukE 22:62 So Peter went out and wept bitterly.

In one sense, there is not an awful lot to say about our failings. Once you’ve fallen, the deed is done. However, you do have some options. You can lie there and wallow in your disgust and loathe yourself. You can beat yourself down until you can’t look up or get up. Or, as many do, you can blame someone else or something else. Or, you can do as Peter did when he miserably failed the Lord: be broken by your fall and cry out in Godly sorrow for mercy and receive it and rise to greatness in God’s kingdom. We need to realize, that Peter failed forward. Oh, he wallowed for a moment and excommunicated himself from the other disciples who also failed the Lord. Mark 14:50 Then they all forsook Him and fled. However, Peter’s failure became so transformative in his life. When he was converted (Luke 22:32) as Jesus put it, he truly rose to not only strengthen his brothers, but also to greatly impact the world even to this very day! (Acts 2:40-41) Let me say this last word to all my fellow failers, (not failures.) “FORWARD!” His grace is enough! Rise and finish the race set before you, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your Faith!

Every blessing!


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