“A horse can’t pull while kicking.
This fact we merely mention.
And he can’t kick while pulling,
Which is our chief contention.
Let’s imitate the good old horse
And lead a life that’s fitting;
Just pull an honest load, and then
There’ll be no time for kicking.”
AmoS 3:3 Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?
You cannot walk with God without being in accordance with His will. You can’t strive with your Maker and enjoy fellowship with Him. God is Creator, we are the created; no question, right? Yet, haven’t we the created, always kicked at the will of God for our lives and just being what He created us to be? I sure have!
Can two, or more “work” together unless they are agreed? I attended a live recording of a Blue Grass Worship Concert last night. The band and the crowd were entirely unified in worship and there was a powerful presence of the Lord as a result. Every singer and every musician were in perfect unison. The well known producer would have nothing less. Imagine if the banjo player was trying to play the drums or if the dobro guitarist was trying to run sound or if the fiddle player was singing over the lead vocalist or if the mandolin artist was trying to play bass or… well I think you get the point. Everyone using the gift that God had given them made a worshipful masterpiece for the glory of our Master and the room was filled with the joy of the Lord!
Beloved, God has given you a very special and unique gifting with a special place that will fit like a glove in the Body of Christ! You say, “I don’t know what that gift is!” The Lord longs to show you and weave you into the beautiful tapestry He is making, so the world can see Him in our unity! Find your place with God’s help and play your heart out to Him! There is no time for kicking, take your gift and dive into the glorious flow of His Spirit!
Every blessing!