“We humans are called to stand at the intersection of heaven and earth, holding together in our hearts, our praises, and our urgent intercessions the loving wisdom of the creator God and the terrible torments of his battered world.”
Isa 59:19 So shall they fear The name of the LORD from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.
You know that first little drop of rain that splats on your forehead? No big deal right? What about when the drops begin to come by the thousands? Time to take cover right? When those little drops begin to unite by the billions and trillions, they collectively wield a flood power that can wipe out entire regions in the Earth!
Our text above reveals how the Lord deals with enemy when he comes in to steal, kill and destroy! Like a flood, He raises up a standard against him. That standard is the collective intercession of the Lord’s saints! Notice in the title above, I have placed the comma after “when the enemy comes in”, not “like a flood”. You say “How dare you move the comma!” Don’t stone me yet! In the original writing there is no punctuation like in our English language! Punctuation is up for grabs! The reason I emphatically believe the comma actually belongs after when the enemy comes in, is because the flood means like a “mighty rushing river!” The power of the flood belongs to the Lord! The word “standard” means to put to flight! Praying Brother / Sister, you and I must heed the call like never before in this hour. The Devil is coming in like never before! The stats below are over a year old. Right now, Afghanistan is rapidly moving to enter the top 10 most persecuted! We must hear the cry of our Lord Jesus Christ and enter into the flood of intercession the Spirit of the Lord is raising up globally for His persecuted Church! Our family is suffering horrible persecution all over the world! O God break our hearts for these suffering ones! I am taking my place in this mighty flood- standard! Are you in?
Every blessing!
Where Christians Face the Most Violence:
1. Pakistan 2. Nigeria 3. Democratic Republic of Congo 4. Mozambique 5. Cameroon 6. Central African Republic 7. India 8. Mali 9. South Sudan 10. Ethiopia https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2021/january/christian-persecution-2021-countries-open-doors-watch-list.html