The secret of peace within, and power without, is to be always and only occupied with Christ.
— E. Schuyler

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

Here are several words used to define tharseo, the Greek word for Cheer: confidence, boldness, courage, comfort and of course, cheer. The word is used in an imperative mood. Jesus was commanding His disciples to be courageous and confident in His overcoming the tribulations of the world, when faced with trouble.

Many years ago, when our four kids were little, I took a sabbatical from pastoring for a few months. I rented a large A-frame house on the side of a mountain in my home town. It was beautiful, but had been unoccupied for a good while. One Summer morning, our kids were watching a video when I heard a deafening scream. My oldest went to put in a different video and discovered a baby Copperhead, of the Rattlesnake family, on top of the video player! I grabbed a broom and killed it! Later that night as I was tucking my two little daughters into bed, they begged me to let them sleep with their mother and I. I said, “Girls, we do not give place to fear in this house. Now stop crying and go to sleep!” They plead all the more and I said, “That baby snake is dead and it will not bother anybody!” Then came the wisdom of a child, as my oldest daughter said, “Yeah Daddy, but it’s got a momma!” I prayed with them and they drifted off to sleep. Those words, “It’s got a momma”, rang in my ears and I did some real hypocritical, high stepping to my bed as I turned off the lights!

Friend, Jesus has conquered all the trouble in this world for all of His followers! Be confident and courageous! These storms and even the snakes of this world are passing, not permanent! Peace be unto you, in Jesus name!

Every blessing!


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